Original Post: October 20, 2122
Fellow Martians, the 67th annual Red Soil Day is fast approaching, a day as Martian as the red soil under our feet. To my Earthly readers, imagine if you will, a planetary celebration of life and sustenance, the day we commemorate the tenacity of our pioneer farmers who first coaxed life from Martian soil back in 2055. It’s a day for us to honor our Martian resilience and ingenuity, as we gather under the dusky Martian sky.
Red Soil Day is marked by the Community Feast, a testament to Martian solidarity and shared sustenance. We gather in our respective settlements with contributions to the communal table. Martians pride themselves on their hearty potatoes and pumpkins, fresh bread baked from Mars-adapted wheat, and the sweet tang of Martian berry pies. And yes, we even have protein – lab-grown, ethically produced, and every bit as savory as Earth-reared livestock.
In the spirit of inclusivity, Red Soil Day also caters to the youthful energy on Mars, with children delighting in sweets dyed the symbolic red of our home soil. The air fills with their laughter, adding to the warmth of this special day.
As Martians, we also honor other distinct traditions reflective of our unique journey. Take the Orbital Alignment Festival – an event that connects us to our Earthly roots, held when Mars and Earth perfectly align in their orbits. It’s a night of observing the celestial ballet and feeling a sense of closeness with our ancestors. And let’s not forget Solstice Stars, a tradition observed during the solstice where we marvel at the unique Martian night sky, so different yet eerily familiar to Earth’s.
So as Red Soil Day draws near, let’s remember the essence of this Martian tradition – honoring our collective resilience, appreciating the fruits of our labor, and giving thanks for the Martian soil that supports our existence. As the saying goes, we are as Martian as the red soil under our feet, and we’re in this journey together.